Planetary Learning that Advances the Nexus of Engineering, Technology, and Science

Planetary Learning that Advances the Nexus of Engineering, Technology, and Science

PLANETS develops programs for educators and youth in grades 3-8 that provide STEM learning with an emphasis on NASA planetary science and engineering.

FREE  *  NASA Funded  *  Science Units  *  Engineering Units

Grades 3–5

two astronauts working on the outside of their spacecraft

Space Hazards

Develop a plan to mitigate hazards on a NASA mission and engineer space gloves to protect astronauts from cold, impact, and dust!

Grades 6–8

Water in Extreme Environments showing Saturn beyond a landscape that suggests a water source

Water in Extreme Environments

Discover where water is in our solar system and engineer a process to reuse it in an extreme environment!

Grades 6–8

Remote Sensing showing a rover on the extreme landscape of a planetary body

Remote Sensing

Design technologies to learn about the surface of a mystery moon and use NASA Mars data to choose a landing site for a rover!

STEM learning, for all students.

Science & Engineering

NASA missions are a perfect way to bring together science and engineering. In PLANETS units, learners engineer technologies like optical filters and use them to answer scientific questions like “Where was water on Mars?”

Space is for Everyone

Space has many interesting aspects that fuel learning and innovation. Activities are designed to interest and engage all learners and show that they can be scientists and engineers.

STEM Learning

By engaging in real-world, open-ended challenges, learners develop STEM Habits of Mind like considering problems in context and weighing the implications of solutions.

Our partners in developing units & educator resources

Northern Arizona University logo
EiE logo
USGS logo
WestEd logo

Learn About Upcoming Opportunities

Make a difference and help our team develop high-quality STEM educator support materials!

three children working together on a science activity
an illustration of a rocket ship with a diverse set of team members working to prepare it and its instruments for going to outer space
Our Research

OST Practitioner Guide

This Practical Guide for Out-of-School-Time Professionals provides practical strategies and guidance that promotes engagement in STEM learning.