Mineral Fingerprinting

Youth identify minerals that indicate past water or volcanism at each of four landing sites.

Rosie the Robot analyzing a rock and creating the spectroscopy graph for it.

Activity Downloads


10 MIN. Introduction to Spectrometry

15 MIN. Observing Different Spectra

10 MIN. Explore Spectrometry Data

5 MIN. Reflect



The Educator Guide has a script, materials list, and prep directions. Be sure to have it open and ready to help guide you through every activity.

  • If you have not already completed the prep for Science Series Activity 1, please refer to the S1 card for preparation.
  • Revisit the PLANETS Science Series Educator Guide if it has been a week or more since you completed Science Series Activity 1.
  • For this activity you will need Science Notebooks for each youth, plus Data Packets and Landing Ellipses for each group.

Related Videos

The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Using Light to Find Out What Things Are Made Of (Spectroscopy)
How Light is Used in Remote Sensing
How we use Spectroscopy to Learn About Other Planets
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Light going through a prism to be broken into the rainbow colors
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Laser beams of green light shooting out from an instrument
A photo of rocks and the spectrum graph it emits
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The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Using Light to Find Out What Things Are Made Of (Spectroscopy)
How Light is Used in Remote Sensing
How we use Spectroscopy to Learn About Other Planets
Why Do Scientists Need to Measure Infrared Light
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Light going through a prism to be broken into the rainbow colors
Showing how Red - Green - And Blue circles intersect to create colors and white at its center
Laser beams of green light shooting out from an instrument
A photo of rocks and the spectrum graph it emits
A graph showing two elements in their Visible and Infrared wavelengths
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Youth Will Know

They can identify minerals on Mars by looking at graphs of the light they reflect created by remote sensing technology (spectrometers).

Youth Will Do

  • Interpret the unique spectral “fingerprints” of different minerals to identify them.
  • Apply their knowledge of which minerals are evidence of past water when evaluating landing sites.

Did you know?

Some animals can see more colors than us. Butterflies can see ultraviolet light and certain reptiles can detect infrared light.

Quick Tips

  • Consider showing one or more videos to youth to review the concepts.
  • “Spectrum” is singular and “spectra” is the plural form of the same word.


Spectroscopy: a remote sensing technology that measures the intensity of reflected light from a substance for the purpose of identifying the substance