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Water in Extreme Environments Learning Pathways
Science Pathway
Planetary scientists often use the technologies developed by engineers to further their understanding of the planets, satellites, and smaller bodies in the solar system. Water is essential to all life as we know it, so it is an important resource to look for elsewhere in the solar system. Scientists propose that water is the best place to look for extraterrestrial life outside our planet.
The science pathway supports youth exploration in the field of planetary science, with a focus on water. Youth explore how much, how accessible, and how usable water is on Earth and elsewhere in our solar system. They consider if water is potentially habitable on other planetary bodies, and they propose a planetary body to explore based on evidence of water.
Activity 1: Water on Earth
Youth explore the concept of water availability, accessibility, and usability on Earth.
Activity 2: Water in the Solar System
Youth explore where water is available in the solar system and begin to consider its accessibility and usability.
Activity 3: Choose a Potential Water Reservoir to Explore and Share Out
Youth propose a planetary body to explore based on the availability, accessibility, and usability of water and present their choice.
Engineering Pathway
Water resource engineering focuses on the design of systems and equipment, including water treatment facilities, to ensure that people are provided with clean water for drinking, living, and recreation. Factors such as environmental pollution and drought conditions threaten the availability of clean, drinkable water for future generations. Access to drinkable water is not just a problem here on Earth—it is one of the biggest challenges facing planetary explorers, who must recycle as much water as possible to stay hydrated on long missions.
In the engineering pathway, youth tackle water resource engineering to support people living in an extreme environment. They create a step-by-step process to increase the amount of water that can be reused by ordering the flow of water through filters.
Prep Activity 1: What Is Engineering?
Youth engage in an engineering design challenge using an Engineering Design Process (EDP), criteria, and constraints.
Prep Activity 2: What Is Technology?
Youth consider the definition of technology as any thing or process humans (engineers) design to solve a problem. The Special Report Video sets the context for the entire unit.
Activity 1: A Grey Area
Youth test the quality of and categorize model water samples using real tools.
Activity 2: Investigating Filters
Youth explore how different water filter materials reduce contaminants.
Activity 3: Order Up!
Youth apply what they learned in Activities 1 and 2 to improve water quality at least one level so it can be reused for a different purpose.
Activity 4: Create a Process
Youth apply what they learned in prior activities to design and test a water reuse process using filter materials and home piping reconfiguration.
Activity 5: Improve a Process
Youth improve their process to better meet the criteria of their extreme environment.
Activity 6: Engineering Showcase
Youth prepare presentations to communicate their water reuse process to others.