Water in the Solar System
Youth explore where water is available in the solar system and begin to consider its accessibility and usability.

The Educator Guide has a script, materials list, and prep directions. Be sure to have it open and ready to help guide you through every activity.
- Print and post tables, Educator Guide pp. 36–39, around the room.
- Print and cut cards.
- Optional: laminate cards for future use.
Related Video
Water in the Solar System
Youth Will Know
- Water is abundant in our solar system.
- Water is found in different reservoirs (surface, subsurface, and atmosphere).
- More water is located in the outer part of the solar system than closer to the Sun.
Youth Will Do
Compare and contrast the amount and accessibility of water among sites in the solar system.
Did you know?
We drink water molecules that dinosaurs drank. Earth’s water has been around for billions of years: check out the Water in the Solar System video.
Quick Tips
Distribute cards for investigating water in the solar system in groups or shuffle and deal randomly, Educator Guide p. 25.