All Downloads
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Water - Science - All Files
All Science Files
These resources provide all the information you need to teach the Science Activites in this unit.
Science Educator Guide
This guide explains each of the Science Activities in this unit.
Science Notebook
Learners record information in this notebook as they complete Science Activities.
Planetary Science Cards
Learners explore information on these cards to learn about water on different bodies in the solar system.
Water in Extreme Environments Poster (Web Size)
This poster shows how much water exists on bodies in the solar system.
Water in Extreme Environments Poster (Legal Size)
This poster shows how much water exists on bodies in the solar system.
Water in Extreme Environments Poster (Large Format)
This poster shows how much water exists on bodies in the solar system.
Download Name | Description | File Data |
Water - Engineering - All Files
All Engineering Files
These resources provide all the information you need to teach the Engineering Activities in this unit.
Engineering Educator Guide
This guide explains each of the Engineering Activities in this unit.
Engineering Notebook
Learners record information in this notebook as they complete Engineering Activities.
Engineering Notebook - Spanish
Learners record information in this notebook as they complete Engineering Activities.
Engineering Materials List
This list describes all the materials needed to teach the Engineering Adventures and their quantities.
Engineering Design Process Poster
This poster shows the steps of the process learners use to engineer technologies.
Engineering Tech Trivia
This game introduces the concept of technology.
Water Testing Cheat Sheet
This sheet shows the scores for each measure of water quality.
At Home
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Water Home - All
All At Home Files
These resources provide all the information needed to complete the at-home activities.
Water in Extreme Environments Game Instructions
These instructions explain how to play the Water in Extreme Environments game at home.
Water in Extreme Environments Game Cards
Players use these cards in the Water in Extreme Environments game.